New Look!


Screenwriters Colony is pleased to announce the beta launch of our new website. The video on the home page (which links to our alumni reel) reflects an important part of our mission: to honor the writer behind screens big and small. We want to highlight the writing that happens before the cast is found and the camera is rolling. As we explored ideas for the site and logo we revisited our mission, our vision, and the reasons why we do what we do. Thing is, while we search for and support exceptional, emerging writers, we do so in the name of stories. We believe in the power of stories. Big stories, small stories, human stories. Stories that make audiences think and feel in new ways. Stories that challenge audiences and the culture at large. Stories that speak truth to power in some way or simply speak a human truth. We invest in stories because they are so powerful they will outlive us all, and Screenwriters Colony aims to have an impact that stretches beyond any one lifetime. So let’s all keep telling our stories. 

AnnouncementsLi Zhao